Wednesday, March 27, 2013

3 Common Car Mistakes | Cash for Cars Atlanta

Caring for your car is very important, but sometimes we may be wasting our time and money by doing things we don’t need to. You want to be mindful, but smart at the same time when it comes to car maintenance. Here are a few car mistakes that you may want to try and avoid…

The Tried & True Tune-Up may not be necessary for your car. So many modern cars are computer controlled and don’t have many parts that need that standard “tune-up” anymore. You still need to replace spark plugs and such, but just as needed.

Buying High Octane Gas may just be bleeding your pockets dry and offering no real value in the performance of your car. If your car doesn't require a higher octane gas… don’t get it.

Make Sure Your Gas Cap Is Tight because many people don’t realize that one of the most common cause for your check engine light to come is a loose gas cap. Simply tightening it or replacing it may completely cure your problem.

You want your car to last, but you want your money to last too. Make smart choices when servicing your car and find a trusted mechanic who will educate you rather than take advantage of you.

Cash for Cars Atlanta