Gas prices seem to steadily rise and so does the number of drivers complaining about it. Everyone says they want to save on gas, but often miss simple things they can do to make their gas last longer. Since we can’t control the price at the pump, we have to control our miles/gallon as much as we. Here are a few tips on saving money at the pump:
1. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF REWARD PROGRAMS: Many grocery stores and credit card companies offer discounts, cash back and bonuses. You may even be able combine multiple savings together. For example you may get a discount on gas using your grocery savings card and you can also get cash back from the credit card used to pay for the gas.
2. KEEP YOUR CAR WELL MAINTAINED: Simple things like proper tire inflation, regular oil changes, not running heat or a/c excessively and removing unnecessary things from you r car that weigh it down can improve your gas mileage.
3. SLOW DOWN WHILE DRIVING: When you are racing down the road driving over 50mph, you are seriously reducing your fuel efficiency. You also don’t want to stop or take off abruptly, which is bad for your engine and causes more gas to be used,
So keep more of your hard earned cash in your pocket. By just making a few simple adjustments you can see significant savings over time. If you want even more cash in your pocket, c all us today and we will buy your old car. We buy cars in any condition! We are Atlanta’s top cash for cars company.
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Call us to get cash for your junk cars!